Monthly Archives: October 2023

We’re Close To The End, My Friends

In June 2012 I inaugurated this blog as follows: “Another quilting blog, ugh!  Why?  Well, I’ve been trying to neaten and straighten my notes, thoughts, resources, works in progress, and my work.  So, I thought a blog might be the way to go.  It’s for me primarily.  If anyone else stumbles on it, that’s fine.  I considered using Pinterest, but decided I needed the ability to add words.  So here I am.”

I had no idea I would continue writing posts for 11 years. Yep, that’s 11 years of at least one post a week, for more than 1,000 posts. Alas, all the pictures in those posts have added up and WordPress has notified me I have reached my data storage limit. For the past five years I paid an annual fee to WordPress to gain more media storage, but when the renewal came up in September I decided to revert to the free version. I did think I had a bit of storage left, but I was wrong.

I have gone through my pages and posts and deleted items I thought weren’t worth keeping, and have done the same with the thousands of photos. It’s a time consuming and tedious process. However, I think the effort has bought me only a bit of breathing space. So, it’s highly likely this is my last original post.

The notice from WordPress is just one of many reasons I may retire my blog. As I suspect you have noticed, I have been writing more about non-fabric art in the past year or so. Hand, neck, and shoulder issues have made cutting and sewing fabric more of a pain than a pleasure. So I have turned to collage and mixed media as my art outlets. I still make quilted items, but they sometimes leave viewers scratching their heads. Maybe my earlier quilts were “better” but they were made in part to enter in shows. I’ve pretty much stopped that (with a few exceptions.) In fact, I have found myself drifting away from the quilting world. Local groups I belonged to have folded their tents, and I haven’t found any online groups that work for me.

Snarky Quilter was a labor of love and a wonderful way to make blogging friends. I have so enjoyed reading and responding to your comments. This blog should still be as accessible as it’s ever been, just without new material. I plan to post occasionally on Instagram (@snarky_quilter), so you can see any new work there.

I do have have one more piece of news for you. My quilt “Dreams of Freedom” was selected for SAQA’s virtual exhibit Imprisoned.

“Dreams of Freedom” 2021, 28.5″ by 20.5″

I’d love it if you want to drop me a line at


Filed under Art quilts, Commentary