My Quilts – 2010 to 2014

2014 finished up with a few more completed quilts.

Easter_Egg_Roll_2014Easter Egg Roll, 14 inches by 42 inches

Jeweled_Leaves2Jeweled Leaves, 39.5 inches square

Dancing_StarsDancing Stars, 41 inches square (quilted by Nancy Rab)

Kansas2Kansas, 40 inches by 32 inches

One downside of attempting more complex quilting is a lack of finished work. Here’s In The Clouds (16 by 32 inches), finally done in early November.


Here’s some pieces I completed over the past few months through September, 2014.

Swimming Upstream 2Swimming Upstream

Shirtsleeves 2Shirtsleeves

Purple RaysPurple Rays

While my guild’s Sweet Treats challenge isn’t due until later this fall, I overachieved and finished my piece in August. Dandy Candy uses only colors found on a Peanuts M&Ms wrapper.

Dandy Candy

I never posted this photo of Alex’s Windows, a piece I finished in early 2014. It uses many pieces of hand dyed damask tablecloth.

Alex's windows 2

Although it’s July and a few months have gone by without anything new shown here, I have indeed been at work. I did finally finish a small improv piece I call Open Door by mounting it on a prestretched canvas. The edges are finished with yarn that I zigzagged stitched on, and I painted the sides of the canvas with black paint.

Open Door 2

I wrapped up my seasons small quilts in late May of 2014. Each is about 21 by 32 inches.


7 Years of Bad Luck is one of two quilts that resulted from this wonky curves tutorial from the Quilting Edge. After I started it I came across Kathy Loomis’ photo of a broken mirror on her blog. I developed the quilt inspired by that photo.  The quilting is mostly free motion zigzag in gray Aurofil and silver metallic thread with some aluminum foil thrown in.

7 years of bad luck

Forgot to put in Chutes and Ladders, an improv piece I began and finished a few months ago.  It was inspired by my scrap strips and some painterly fabric I had. I enjoyed quilting the slightly off grid of lines, inspired by the work of Eleanor McCain.

Chutes and LaddersAnother piece that’s been in the works for some months is now finished.  It doesn’t have a title – I just call it printed leaves.

printed leaves

12 Carat Diamond can now be added to the completed pile.


Broken Glass is my latest larger (about 34 by 37 inches) size quilt this year.

Broken Glass

WPM is the first finish of 2014.


At the very end of 2013 I finished up 2 projects that have had long gestation periods.



Subtle Points is a November 2013 finish.



Here’s another in my “messing around with fabric” series – Argyle.


Tipsy Lampshades is a twofer.  I finally made a wonky log cabin quilt and I finally used a lot of brown.


The quilt below, Just A Sliver, won a blue ribbon at the recent Streetsboro Quilt Show.  The marvelous quilting was done by Eva Birch.



Recent finishes (August 2013) have been old projects that I finally completed.

heart_in_goldHeart in Gold is my latest attempt at the Storm at Sea pattern.  I love this pattern and have spent many happy hours coloring in outline drawings of it. I used John Flynn’s quilting design for it in a red thread to remind me that love is passion that binds us.

making_tracks2Making Tracks is doodling with cloth and thread that began as a piece for the Stupendous Stitching Craftsy class. I fused organza to it, couched some yarns I found at Big Lots, went a bit crazy with decorative machine stitching, and mounted it to a quilted piece of hand dyed gradient cloth.

July flew by with a few finishes.

Beadedcurtain_paint2Beaded Curtain has had its issues, but is finished in my book.

word_pillow_frontThe Words Pillow now resides on my rocking chair.partial_eclipse_front

The verdict on Partial Eclipse is still out.

Breezeblocks_quiltedBreeze Blocks was fun to piece, and not so much fun to free motion quilt.

For the sake of completeness, here are two finishes I’ve blogged about.  The first is “Boxed Up” – an evolution from sewn together leftovers.  The second, “Broken Circle,” is also a spinoff of leftovers from another project.


Broken_circle_tablerunnerHere are two quilts I just finished in May 2013, Canyon and It’s Brown.



A few of my quilts exhibited in a local quilt show.


Going-NovaGoing Nova

Here’s the first fully finished quilt of 2013, called Wish I Was Here.  Most of it was actually done in 2012, but the quilting and facing had to wait until the new year.  It’s very loosely based on a class I took from Joen Wolfrom.

Wish I Was HereI’m most satisfied with the right hand panel as I got more nuance in the water and sand.

Wish I Was Here right

I said goodbye to 2012 with a few more finished quilts.


Triangles in Boxes featured mostly solids and some leftover half square triangles.  The edges really are straight, despite how they look in the picture.

silk-runner I realize a table runner may not be considered a quilt by some, but it has three layers held together with stitching, so it meets a quilt show definition.

Much to my shock, my guild challenge quilt is done, big stitch hand quilting and all.  I ended up calling it My February Fantasy.  I can’t find the ladybug buttons I bought for it, but I’m sure they’ll turn up after the quilt show. (Oh, I just found them after I bought replacements.)


I have no idea why I made this little quilt, called Jewel of My Heart.  It was as if I was guided by voices. Forget anal probes; aliens seem to take over my stash.


The crib quilt for my nephew and his wife is done.  As I usually do with quilts for babies, I just backed it with flannel and didn’t bother with batting.  It makes the quilt easier to wrap around the baby.

Here’s Where Did The Hexies Go?, my small appliqued hexagon quilt – a twofer.  It’s for my Modern Quilt Guild and a quilt show silent auction.

At last Corduroy Boomerangs, aka The Project from Hades, is done.  Not content with slithering all over the place when I was quilting it, the quilt’s burgundy pre-washed binding decided to bleed into only one of the light fabrics.  It’s now been washed three times.  I really hate this batting – it’s heavy and stiff.

In the Summertime is a reworking of a circle project I thought was finished.  Then I decided it needed more, so I mounted it on the yellow fabric and added large turquoise and blue beads. (Update: this was donated to the NQA little quilts auction.)

Stacked Stitches came about from a mashup of a fabric assemblage and big stitch embroidery.  I added the portrait backing and buttons to make it seem a bit more important than a pot holder.  I also used paintstiks. (Update: this was sold at my guild’s small quilts auction.)

The following quilts are my pre-blogging efforts.  Some of the photos are clearer than others – totally the fault of the photographer.

My Garden Without My Glasses uses couching, decorative machine stitches, and beads.  It’s won ribbons at some local shows. I found that beading is not an embellishment I’ll be using often.

This one, called 107 Pyramids, is based loosely on a drawing by Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr.  I was intrigued by the idea of nested different size equilateral triangles.  It was improvisationally pieced and quilted with lots of closely spaced diagonal lines in variegated thread.  Hint:  use lots of starch on your fabric before you cut this kind of triangle.  Bias edges alert.

Cynthia-giftI finally tried out a specialty ruler for making flying geese on the above quilt.  It’s OK, but I’m glad I won it rather than bought it.  This quilt, which used up lots of scraps plus a batik I haven’t found a use for in six years, was given to a friend to celebrate her retirement.

This one was made for a guild challenge.  It’s called A Real Fake, and is inspired by page 13 from a magazine.  That page advertised a fiberglass door made to look like wood.  I gave it a George Washington theme – the cherries and the guy standing up in the boat.  You know, “father, I cannot tell a lie”…

Back to Nature resulted from my hoard of assemblages in combination with raw edge applique tendrils and colorful fabric I found at JoAnns. (Update: this was sold.)

Akron AmishThis is a scrap quilt called Akron Amish made with cut off corners from other quilts.

Fun to make and based on Sandi Cummings’ book “Thinking Outside the Block.”  It’s called There Are Strings Attached.

Afterglow even gets into some embellishment.  I saved all those bits of fabric for a reason.

Labyrinth is from a quilting magazine pattern called Winding Ways.  It used up lots of scraps, plus that red eyelash yarn.

Tie Sticks almost used up the ties I had fused to interfacing.  It’s loosely based on the Chinese Coins pattern, and features decorative machine stitching and prairie points made of the tie ends.

Too Much Coffee speaks for itself.

Leafing Out contains fabric I bought at NQA in 2008, and was my attempt to use more green.  The quilting pattern is large, closely stitched leaves similar to a hosta plant’s.

25 responses to “My Quilts – 2010 to 2014

  1. Alice

    Such beautifully creative work!
    Very inspiring!

  2. Rosemaryflower

    WOW. I just found your blog a few days ago. I still have it open in my browser. Your creations are astoundingly exceptional!!!
    I love the “clouds” quilt just because it is so incredibly well thought out, it looks wonderful
    okay, I have to go now. I try to sew and quilt when I can. I am kinda busy with my dad (94) and family and grand kids. I feel very “sandwichy” managing all of these generations. I love sewing so much
    I am inspired by your blog and snark

    • Oh my, many thanks for your kind words about my work. I imagine it’s hard for you to fit quilting in among all your responsibilities. Maybe try for 15 minutes a day with something quilting-related? And welcome to my blog.

  3. Jean Wood

    Sandi—good to see your new work! I took a class from you at Asilimar years ago and am amazed at how much of the art quilts of today resemble your techniques!

  4. Carole Marcum

    Great comments on your great quilts. Love some of the colors you go with in your quilts, too.

  5. judy

    Your quilts are terrific. The colors you select for each project are superb. I will definitely be copying some of your photos and hope to be able to do justice.

  6. I love your quilts; I loved your recent book review; I’m subscribing to your blog right now!

  7. Marcy Perrin

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful quilts! I am so glad I came across your blog. I have just begun to sew/quilt and seeing your work fills me with inspiration!

  8. Anna Billinghurst

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful quilts. The creativity is inspiring. I sew and quilt every day and hope that one of my quilts will be almost as good as one of yours someday. I give mine away with instructions to use it and wash it in hot water. I don’t want to leave evidence.
    Thanks again!

  9. Charlotte Cline

    I’m a little awestruck right now. How many years did all these take to do? It seems like you just think of it and it is done. I love them all. Where can I get the pattern for the Corduroy Boomerangs? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before. I love it. I’ll be watching your blog… Thank you for the kick in the pants. Totally inspiring.

    • It really helps to be retired. Also I just have to design/sew/quilt every day. Otherwise, I get grouchy and my husband sends me to my sewing room. Corduroy Boomerangs is a quilt I saw first on Pink Chalk Fabrics blog. I made up my own pattern, but later on I found out the designer has a tutorial for it. I’ll send you a link to the tutorial via email.

  10. prolific and tallented and smart

  11. beverly bussa sokolay

    I think your work is excellent. its so inspiring. Thank you

  12. Pamela Spencer

    I loved seeing all your modern, abstract, “outside the box” quilts……especially “my garden without glasses”…….

    Do you ever photograph these from start to finish ?

    Thanks for showing your work………….

    • I always intend to take pictures through the whole process and I sometimes do, but often I change the design every few minutes and it breaks the “creative flow” to stop for a photo op. I do try to photograph my work in progress when I’m at a stopping point, just in case all the pieces come off the wall or a similar disaster. One of my goals for 2014 is to take better pictures of my work.

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