
Joanna, the snarky quilter (hereafter known as SQ) started quilting with cardboard templates back in pre-internet, pre-i anything days.  In the 1990s her interest in quilting was renewed as technology advanced to rotary cutters and acrylic rulers.  After an apprenticeship in traditional quilting, SQ now makes original contemporary quilts. Some are planned, some are created on the design wall. She loves making her own fabric with dyes, paints, stencils, screens, and stamps.

SQ quilts so she can indulge her love of fabric and use up her collection of scraps.  Her fabric collection contains almost no florals, but does have lots of stripes and weird blotchy prints. Recently she has expanded her work to mixed media, especially collage.

SQ’s husband enables her habit by putting up with threads all over the place and maintaining a “if it makes you happy” attitude even though he really likes traditional quilts with lots of flowers.

This blog began as her attempt to record her quilt making process. Journaling (is that a word?) was a bit too precious, so she went with this format considered obsolete by many. You can contact her at snarkyquilter(at)gmail(dot)com.

17 responses to “About

  1. Thank you for the follow! And your quilts are stunning!

  2. Sophie Albrecht

    We were lucky bidders on Round and Round at Mutton Hill Quilt Show.
    How can we get in touch with you to get another signed label for the back of a frame. We want to reframe your work
    Sophie Albrecht

  3. Barbara

    I stumbled upon your blog and have been binge reading/scanning it for 2 days now. I like your aesthetic, it is similar to mine. I agree with many of your comments on the Farmpark shows, I thought it was just me.

    • Welcome! The Farmpark shows are always good for lots of comment among my quilting friends who see the show with me. I’ve entered that show a few times, but don’t know if I’ll enter again. More and more I haven’t been entering quilt shows as my work deviates from their criteria. I still like to attend and look, but I’m not interested in judges’ opinions about the corners of my bindings.

      • Barbara

        The first time I entered Farmpark, that was the big criticism I got, my binding miter’s weren’t sewed shut. I was new to quilting and didn’t know you were supposed to do that. My quilt sold and when I stopped in to pick up my money, I was asked if I was surprised it sold. D’uh, NO. They do have a traditional quilt bias….

      • I never understood why that was such a big deal. The fact your quilt was sold indicates that you succeeded at the most important part – that it was visually appealing.

  4. Jessica

    Your work is lovely, and I appreciate your sharing your story too. I am inspired to try some of the patterns! I shall plan to start by making a cushion cover, or a similar small project.

  5. Thank you for including my quilts in your blogpost. Please know that I do have patterns available for those quilts if you would like to create one.
    The Mutton Hill Show is a wonderful opportunity for quilters in Ohio and I look forward to next year.

  6. Marcia

    I stumbled upon your web site. How fabulous that you take so much time and energy to share with others. Thank you.

  7. I enjoy your “snark” posts very much, perhaps because I agree with you! Also, though, your writing style is clear and direct, which I appreciate. Thanks for letting us know what you THINK as well as what you work on.

  8. Love what you’re doing! And hand dyeing is so much fun … =D

  9. Cindy @ In A Stitch

    I like your hubby’s attitude

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