The End of the Line, Part 2

My January line a day challenge did go for all 31 days, though I stretched some work out over a few days. While the original intent was to keep the time spent on each response short, sometimes that didn’t happen. I am sure Penny, my friend who did this challenge with me, spent way longer than 15 to 45 minutes on many of her pieces. In our defense, if you’re in the zone you want to finish your vision.

One of my prompts was to create collages from magazine images with linear elements. In some cases I didn’t glue down the pieces, but tried several arrangements.

Landscape collage
Stitched paper collage with added lines that are way too much.

Blue and orange collage, version 1
Blue and orange collage, version 2
Black and white collage, version 1
Black and white collage, version 2

Then, I returned to fabric to use bias tape and free motion stitching for lines. I tried a sepia edges effect with Inktense pencils.

Bias tape and free motion quilting lines, many in a zigzag stitch

Next, I decided to make hard line acrylic paintings on vinyl wallpaper samples to test how well acrylic paint would stick to that surface. First, I covered the wallpaper with an ombre effect wash. Then I put down masking tape and painted tones of blue, red, and yellow. I can see I need to work on getting the tape to stick down better. However, the paint does stay on.

Vinyl wallpaper overpainted with acrylic paint, then blocked with tape and painted.
More overpainted wallpaper

Since January obliged me with snow I took photos of lines from my window and used Photoshop filters to add textures to them. You can see how often the deer tromp through my yard.

Tracks with palette knife filter
Graphic pen filter

In the last few days of the month I combined the fabrics I had printed with other linear fabrics to make a small quilt.

Yes, I was born on the 4th of July

My notes indicate I made something linear every day in January, but I’ve shown only some of my output.. Not all the results are worth showing, though they were worth doing. I learned that a set daily theme made it easy to get right to work. I tried to use different media to expand my artistic toolbox, though I can see how that could lead to a “master of none” situation.

As you can see, I often responded to different prompts than Penny, and produced different work. Aside from cheesecloth, she didn’t use fabric. My work is more hard edged and boldly colored than hers, in part due to the different media we used. However, Penny’s palette is softer than mine and she likes to create layers. But, the challenge wouldn’t have been fun if we had the same responses, so vive la difference.


Filed under Commentary, Techniques

2 responses to “The End of the Line, Part 2

  1. Oh, these are wonderful! It is great to read what you tried, did, and the results. I especially like Blue and orange collage, version 2 and Black and white collage, version 2, and the overpainted vinyl wallpaper. Well, actually I find something that is appealing to me in each of them and they really get me thinking – so inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

    • Ann, I so appreciate your appreciation. I think the collages are like working with pieces of fabric. I still have a compulsion to butt each piece of paper right up against another, rather than leaving space between.

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