Tweaking The Wall

My version of tweaking involves my design wall, not meth, just so you know. Since last week I have been futzing with minor revisions to “The Left Coast” and a shaggy improv piece inspired by fabric designed by Katie Pasquini Masopust. Both works have spent time on the design wall, as I drop by to squint at them, add/subtract bits of fabric, and take a photo. This process was repeated several times each day. My husband calls it “staring at the wall.”

First, thanks for all the comments on “The Left Coast.” I really wasn’t trolling for compliments, but I appreciate all your kind words. I also appreciate the thoughtful comments as to how it could be made even better. Since I don’t want to disassemble the piece I will leave some ideas to apply to any other version I make. I’ve been playing with other ideas, especially the notion of adding something to the upper right hand side, the sky/water area. Since there are many rock formations off of Big Sur I decided to add some to my work. You’d think it would be a simple thing, but I’ve tried several permutations of color, shape, number and position.

“The Left Coast” with rocks

“The Left Coast” original

I know there are color variations between the above photos. Time of day makes a big difference in how this piece photographs, which is actually an unintentional reflection of the Big Sur itself. I’d love to get your reactions to the rock additions as I’ve looked at it so long I can’t tell whether it’s better or not.

The improv piece has two starting points; the fabric and the backside of a failed mixed media piece.

“Square Dance” fabric

The mixed media piece featured hand painted and printed fabric, but it was awkward and just didn’t work. As I balled it up to throw in the trash I looked at the backside and decided I liked it better than the front. Between the lively fabric and the backside of failure I decided to make a wrong side out piece, where the seam allowances would be on top. Further, I decided to sew raw edge fabric bits onto the whole thing. Since my blog is about the good, the bad, and the ugly, I’ll show you what resulted.

Part of my tweaking has involved pulling off fabric bits as I went overboard with them. After I reached the stage above I decided that major surgery was needed.

The above photo cropped to eliminate the right side.

I think I crammed too much into the space so it comes across as Fibber Magee’s closet. I’m not so old I remember the show, but my father used to tell me about it. Instead I’ll create two quilts. The right hand side will become a table runner with fabrics added to the ends. The left hand side will become an experiment with decorative stitching and any embellishments I can scrounge. It’s already a mess, so what the heck.

I’m linking to Off The Wall Friday.


Filed under Art quilts, In Process

14 responses to “Tweaking The Wall

  1. Pingback: I’m Back to Sewing, Finally | The Snarky Quilter

  2. I could go either way, but tend to like the addition of the rocks for the depth it adds. Always fun to see what you are creating; thanks for sharing your process!

  3. Marian

    I find that the rocks give the perspective of distance, including an indistinct horizon, that grounds the close up feature, in my humble opinion. Marian

  4. I think if the rocks were jagged, more upright and fewer, they would work better… BUT then perhaps less abstract and not in keeping with the cliffs, especially because they are in the distance. Sorry, that probably wasn’t helpful at all! I really liked the Square Dance fabric (from the image anyway). Your solutions for using it sound good.

  5. And I have to be the dissenting opinion! I don’t like the addition of the rocks at all–perhaps because I don’t see them as rocks. They look like floating debris to me and distract from the beauty of the cliffs. All in the eye of the beholder and all, you know!! The second piece smaller is an excellent idea and looks like fun.

  6. Barbara

    Like the rocks!

  7. THumbs up on the rocks for sure. They add context, interest and balance. I love this piece!


    I like the addition of the rocks. It gives the quilt depth and you now see that it is a cliff. Love your work Joann! Rebecca Chianese

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