Nature’s Marks

Rather than share the usual photos of the gorgeous Monterey shore I want to show you what captivated me – the marks nature left behind on the beach.


Filed under Inspiration

14 responses to “Nature’s Marks

  1. patty

    Makes me long for a trip back to Del Mar. The sand there was a mix of light and dark with smooth stones everywhere. Oh how I love the beach!

  2. We were out walking on the lake a couple days ago (well, on the ice on the lake) and I was admiring the exact same sort of markings in the windblown snow. And we have drifts in the yard that look like breaking waves caught in time. I love that photo with the long shadow!

    • I only wish the snow around my house were so attractive. It’s mostly piled in dirty chunks. The big plus of Monterey was the temperature- in the low 60s. Oh, and then there was the Pacific Ocean.

  3. Judy

    It is interesting– I did the same thing in FL last year. I took lots of wonderful pix of the beach as revealed by ebbing tides– all those patterns!

  4. Looks as much like snow as sand!

  5. I can see it captivated you. There is a lot of quilt inspiration there!

  6. Quilt Writer

    Simply magnificent! Love nature!

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