Department of Self Promotion

I’m happy to report that my quilt “If The Shoe Fits” is now at the Vision Gallery in Chandler, Arizona, as part of the Art Quilts XXIV show. Unfortunately, I’m not there as well, but if you’re in the Phoenix area before January 3, 2020, stop by the gallery to see the exhibit.

My other news is that a local free weekly paper called “The Devil Strip” has done an article about me, and “Hazy Shade of Winter” is on the cover. You can read it here. I was amused to read that I do “circus” design with fabric – the perils of relying on a recording in an interview. Otherwise, the article pretty much captures my voice. (Note: I think that oopsie has been fixed.) My work will be featured on the bottom of bird cages and litter boxes around Akron.

The upshot is Christmas came early for me this year.

I’m linking to Off The Wall Fridays.


Filed under Commentary, Completed Projects, Exhibits

19 responses to “Department of Self Promotion

  1. Pingback: A Bit of Self Promotion | The Snarky Quilter

  2. Norma Schlager

    A great article and great quilts. I sure would like to see a closeup of the “If the Shoe Fits”

  3. Haha. I’ve just been considering that I need to do more self promotion in the coming year. I’m glad some of yours paid off!

    • I think it’s hard to do self promotion without feeling like you’re being obnoxious. I know some quilting Instagrammers overdo it.I really don’t need a daily update on each project.

  4. Congratulations on the exhibit placement. Wish I could see it in person! And the interview was very fun to read. Very enjoyable. 🙂

  5. Congratulations! I enjoyed reading the Q & A article. I’m sure your eye catching quilt and good explanation of what an art quilt is will inspire others, who were maybe just going to make pillows. For me it started with placemats and pot holders!

  6. Barbara Lockwood

    Congrats! Both pieces are magnificent but I really love the way you absolutely nailed it in Hazy Shade of Winter– so evocative in a way that realism would not have been. Bravo!

  7. Jane Herbst

    Congratulations re the exhibition in Chandler and the article! Your work is quite inspiring. Keep posting!

  8. Felice Dahlhausen

    Congratulations on both accounts!

  9. I came here from the Devil’s Strip article. Love your work.

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