Mail Call

The pandemic has heightened my anticipation of mail. No more store browsing for me. I dash in, list in hand, and grab what I need. It reminds me of the name of a South Dakota convenience store I once passed, the Whoa ‘n Go.

The internet is all well and good for classes, resources, and keeping in touch, but I miss actually handling items. So, I look forward to brown paper packages wrapped up in string, or the modern equivalent of them. Recently I’ve received two packages that made their way to me in spite of USPS difficulties. (Three day delivery is a fantasy right now.)

First, my blogging friend Ann Scott raffled off four fabric artist postcards, and I was the lucky winner. Ann created the cards as part of the postcard class she teaches. You can follow her blog and her YouTube channel.

Second, Spoonflower ran a 50% off fat quarters sale and since I am unable to pass up a sale I had to have several of my Photoshop edited pictures printed. The price worked out to about $5 each. Most are on cotton, and I may cut them up or use them whole.

A barrel used as an outdoor fireplace
A peeling barn door in Pennsylvania
Weird microscopic thing, color totally changed
Dried reeds with several color filters
Winter sunrise through a screen

I had more printed which I’m not showing as I don’t want to give you any more reason to question whether my sanity has been affected by our current situation. Well, of course it has, but as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, who cares?


Filed under Commentary, Fabric Printing

6 responses to “Mail Call

  1. One of the gas/convenience chains around here is called Kum & Go. I think Whoa and Go is … better… 🙂

    Thanks for the smiles. Good post and great fabrics!

  2. Spectacular choices for your Spoonflower fabrics! I have been resolutely ignoring their sale emails, but maybe I should have succumbed. 🙂

  3. Thanks for the mention, Joanna. Being the texture loving person that I am I just love your fabric prints. We’ve “talked” about how fun Photoshop is for manipulating our photographs and about how the time can get away from us while playing around with filters! I’d find it hard to cut into these but, of course, they could be used and not necessarily cut up. Have you seen the printed and stitched photograph, small art quilts by Susan Lenz? Looking forward to whatever you make using yours.

    • I get Susan’s blog, but I guess I should check her website for her photograph base quilts. I’m always on the lookout for ideas. Cutting into the photograph fabric is like cutting into any large print fabric. Once you get started, it’s OK.

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