Realm of the Bizarre

Sunday night I had an unsettling experience. In preparation for a trip I was researching quilt related activities. Wouldn’t it be fun to visit quilt museums, I thought. A search found a few possibilities. I clicked on the link for the Wisconsin quilt museum outside of Milwaukee and was greeted with a deaths head, Arabic script and a message in English saying the site had been hacked by ISIS. There was music, too.

Really? Terrorists are hacking a quilt museum website? Are they upset they’re not getting charity quilts?

Update: News outlets are saying this is a possible hoax, and not really the work of ISIS.


Filed under Commentary, Everything Else

6 responses to “Realm of the Bizarre

  1. That is so strange. I like your last line! Hee hee!

  2. That must’ve been a big shock! I read about these hacks earlier today–I guess lots of sites were breached but, from what I read, they don’t think it was really ISIS. Still, very creepy . . . .

  3. Wow, that’s a bit bizarre! Did laugh at your comment, though! 🙂

  4. That is bizarre, and while somewhat disturbing, also rather funny. I am thinking it is probably a prank that is completely un-ISIS related. Or they are someone is trying to strike terror by attacking the heart of American culture?

  5. jennyklyon

    Holy cow that is creepy!

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